Those interested in the history of music will get their money's worth


"Those interested in the history of music will get their money's worth. The two musicians are searching for the roots of pop and
rock music and have their new release 'Weekend Warriors' with them on the road."
Information und Kultur, Informationsblatt der Marktgemeinde Maria Enzersdorf, volume 53, issue 6, June/July/August 2012, page 10

"Those interested in the history of music will get their money's worth. The two musicians are searching for the roots of pop androck music and have their new release 'Weekend Warriors' with them on the road."

Information und Kultur, Informationsblatt der Marktgemeinde Maria Enzersdorf, volume 53, issue 6, June/July/August 2012, page 10

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Check out fresh pictures right from the gig